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There are a few principles guiding the pharmaceutical “business of diseases,” and none of them have anything to do with your health. The financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry do not lie in the cure or prevention of the common disease - the maintenance and expansion of diseases is the only way for the financial growth of this industry. A key strategy to accomplish this goal is the development of drugs that merely mask symptoms while avoiding the curing or elimination of diseases. This explains why most prescription drugs marketed today have no proven efficacy and merely target symptoms. Medical doctors are not trained in nutrition; they are trained in drugs, drugs, and more drugs. Asking a doctor about nutrition is like asking a train conductor about brick laying. The monumental rise of the pharmaceutical industry seen in the last couple of decades should be followed by the reduction of diseases right? Since there are thousands upon thousands of drugs for every possible disease or illness, people should be feeling better, healthier, more vibrant and full of energy, right? You would think so. But the fact is, EVERY SINGLE disease is on the rise EVERY SINGLE year! ==================== end of chapter preview ==================== Preview - 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie