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If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should take a good look at how much protein
you’re getting on a daily basis. Sometimes these unexplainable conditions come down to an easy
fix—more protein in your diet.
Protein deficiency can be even more serious than you think. Long term or frequent protein defi-
ciency can result in even more serious health risks, such as:
heart problems
organ failure
muscle deterioration
As you can see, a lack of protein in your diet can be very serious—even life threatening. If you
take nothing else from this book, be absolutely certain that you are getting adequate amounts of
protein every day. In the diet portion of the 3-Week Diet, you’ll learn how to calculate your true
daily protein requirements.
On the 3 Week Diet, we attempt to emulate “starvation” and all the fat-burning qualities it pro-
duces—but without all the negative side effects (hunger, lean body mass loss, etc). To do this, we
will focus on depleting the body of carbohydrates to trigger the starvation response. Again, this
starvation response forces the body to switch over to burning incredible amounts of fat for our
daily energy needs. Meanwhile, we will “sneak” adequate amounts of protein to the body every
few hours. Instead of attacking our own lean body mass, the body will use this “easy” protein (the
protein we eat) and turn it into glucose, which requires even more fuel (body fat) to accomplish.
Basically, we are going to throw all kinds of things at the body to force it to burn more and more
body fat, which will result in ultra-fast weight loss.
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