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We tend to use the term “weight loss” generally when we go on a diet. And while some are content
with simply watching the numbers of the scale go down, it is important that you focus solely on
losing fat rather than precious, lean body mass.
If you want to simply lose weight…and you don’t care where the weight comes from (body fat,
bones, muscle, organs, etc) then the fastest way to accomplish that
is through dietary fasting (not eating anything). Fasting is the fast-
est way to lose weight…but it comes with a hefty price, up to and
including death.
After about a day of fasting, your body is getting 80-90% of its
energy from its own body fat, which is a very good thing. However,
when the body goes several hours without protein (amino acids it needs to sustain life), it begins
to attack its own protein stores. Sooner or later, lean body mass is attacked to a point that you are
unable to move and your organs cannot function properly, which results in death.
The fact is, there are certain diets out there that have great success in helping people achieve weight
loss—with studies to prove it—however, by the way those diets are structured, a large portion of
the weight that is lost is not body fat, but instead, lean body mass. Lean body mass is basically
everything that is not body fat. This includes skeletal muscle, organs and bones. Remember, a
decrease in lean body mass equates to a slower running metabolism. A slow metabolism will make
it harder to lose weight and easy for you to put weight back on once it’s lost. The 3-Week Diet is
designed to not only keep your metabolism churning along, but also works to reset and increase its
ability so that you are constantly running at your body’s maximum potential.
Those diets that focus solely on the numbers of the scale do more harm to your body than good.
These types of diets actually slow your body’s ability to lose body fat and they force your body to
attack itself for the essential nutrients it needs.
You can spot these diets from a mile away...if you know what you’re looking for. The red flag to
look for on these diets (often called fasts) are those that have an obvious lack protein as their pri-
mary food source. Diets like the Hollywood Juice Diet, the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Lemonade
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