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BEFORE YOU TEXT with them and the REAL reason you broke up with them have about as much in common as peanut butter and nuclear weapons. That’s OK. Remember, we’re dealing with reality here. Just like we did for the readers who were broken up with, we need to create a nice, honest “map” of what happened at the end of your relationship and establish what’s going through your ex’s mind when they think of you. Here are some typical reasons you may have broken up with your ex but now want them back . . . • You thought you could do better (and now realize you’re wrong. Sucks, huh?) • You thought they betrayed you (but they didn’t. Jealousy can be ugly). • You just weren’t attracted to them anymore (but now are). • Heat of the moment/result of a big fight. • You cheated, or he/she cheated. (See the section on cheating a few pages back.) If you broke up with your ex and now want them back, answer the following questions as HONESTLY as you can. 1. Why did you break up with your ex? (The real reason. It might take some soul searching.) 15