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13 Gender Roles to the male gender role, a man is meant to be a provider- protector. It is the man’s responsibility to hunt and gather in order to find food for his family, and it is also his duty to provide protection for them. The man must be large, dominant, and powerful in order to achieve this. Women, according to the conventional idea of the female gender role, are nurturers. Their most important objective is to give birth and care for their young until they are old enough to survive on their own. Even though those are very simple descriptions of very complex topics, you can already see that ideas about the gender binary have changed a great deal. How many women do you see that are attractive that have no sign of wanting to have kids at the moment? Probably several! And how many guys do you know that are skinny, even frail looking, and yet are still successful with women? Think of the “reckless rockstar” archetype. Those kind of men are often physically unappealing, are unreliable partners, and are unlikely to provide and protect adequately, but are still considered attractive by millions of women. Why? What allows that attraction to happen? What has changed that makes it acceptable when it once would not have been? This answer is society. Society, and the rules imposed by it, has altered the ideas about what it really means to be a provider-protector and what it really means to be a nurturer. Now, in order to fulfill the male gender role, a man must be a social provider and a social protector. It has nothing to do with hunting for food and defending your family from attack. TheTaoOfBadass NOTES