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Survive the End Days Last time I used a backpack was last week, when I went out for a picnic with my family. Instead of carrying the food in a basket, I put it in my survival back bag, but boy, let me tell you something: I never realized that three people (me, my wife and my son) can eat that much! God have mercy on us! The food I carried was so heavy that my back hurt for two weeks in a row. 5. Shelter items These are items that most people often omit to include in their survival kit. Don’t underestimate their importance, though. Many people would have still been alive today if only they had considered packing a few shelter items. What do I mean by that? Well, there is a very simple way you can create a tent, when you are out in the wilderness. What would you require? Two tarps and a rope, which you could also replace with duct tape. Let’s follow the steps below: Step 1 Search for a spot located between two trees, closely situated to one another. Step 2 Wrap the two ends of the rope or the duct tape around the two trees and make sure it holds up against gales or heavy rain. Step 3 Collect all rocks located on that tiny strip of land. You would need to do so before placing one of the tarps on the ground. To stay in place, place the rocks that you collected at the ends, thus avoiding getting swept away by winds. Step 4 Place the second tarp on top of the rope we’ve talked about at Step 2. At this stage, all you have to do is tie the two ropes together. Using the knife, make small holes at each of the tarps. Cut the remaining ropes in 4 adequate pieces, and use those smaller ropes to connect the two tarps. Start from the top. So, for example, insert the rope through the top left hole of the roof tarp and the left hole of the ground tarp, then make a big knot, behind the ground tarp. Continue doing so with the remaining three. You can also use some heavy duty bag, a Mylar blanket or a simple poncho to create the “roof”, which will provide a sufficient amount of protection against rain and wind. If you have been out in the rain or wind for too long, without wearing a proper gear to keep you warm, you risk developing hypothermia, so beware! 55 | P a g e