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32 erect penis -- it curves up in epispadias and down in hypospadias – and can prevent the sperm from getting where it’s needed in order to fertilize the woman’s egg. The Testicles A man’s testicles both produce and store sperm. It is vitally important for the testicles to be kept a few degrees cooler than 98 degrees for sperm to develop properly. That’s why it is so important for men with one testicle larger than the other to be checked for both hydrocele, a collection of fluid inside the scrotum; and varicose, varicose veins in the testicle, which can both raise testicle temperature and cause infertility. Unlike a woman’s eggs, which are present at birth, a man continues to produce sperm throughout adulthood. Although produced every day, it does take about two months for a man’s sperm to fully mature. The process begins in the testes, where FSH and LH hormones begin making sperm and testosterone. Once the sperm mature in the epididymis, they travel through the vas deferens up to the seminal vesicle and the prostate, where they are submerged in semen and finally ejaculated through the urethra and into the woman’s vagina during intercourse. The Sperm Without sperm there would be no babies. Without enough of them your chances of becoming pregnant lessen. Every time a man ejaculates, about - 200 million sperm are released. That should certainly be enough to fertilize one little egg now shouldn’t it? Maybe not! Within a few hours that 200 million has dwindled to a paltry 100 million. Their job has just gotten harder. 2005-2013 Pregnancy Miracle- Lisa Olson- Page 32