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16 Tired of blaming each other for our inability to conceive we sat down and had a heart to heart talk and decided that it was time to get some answers. After putting off going to the OBGYN for fear of what we’d learn, we decided to face our fears and get tested for a variety of infertility issues. Unfortunately, like so many other couples discover, the answers we desperately wanted – and needed – weren’t going to be available to us. More frustrated than ever, we learned that there was no clear-cut reason for our inability to conceive. Neither of us exhibited any physical, physiological or biochemical reason to prevent a pregnancy. The experts didn’t have a clue as to why we weren’t pregnant and dubbed us with the term “non-specific infertility.” They suggested that we de-stress and keep trying. Great! Hadn’t that been what we were doing all along? That’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands. If the experts weren’t going to find out what was thwarting our attempts at having a child, I was going to figure it out on my own – and fix it! So, I started to research every aspect of infertility. I read every book and research study I could get my hands on and began talking with hospitals and researchers worldwide about clinical trials and new treatment strategies being considered for couples like us. I was clearly obsessed with my mission and felt as if I’d go nuts if I didn’t find an answer. I began applying all of my newfound knowledge and before long was taking more than a dozen vitamin supplements and minerals every day – and having my husband do the same. I became convinced that pre-conception care for both the husband and wife were the key to conception. We started exercising, eating organic, avoiding toxins wherever we could and even had our amalgam fillings replaced with ceramic to avoid having mercury in our systems. We even began practicing Biorhythmic Lunar Cycle, which shows a woman her most fertile time by comparing the phase of the moon at her birth with the current moon phases. 2005-2013 Pregnancy Miracle- Lisa Olson- Page 16