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Traveling the Road from Infertility to
My story isn’t all that unusual. The fact that you’re even reading this book tells
me one thing: you’ve suffered like I’ve suffered. You know what it’s like to wish
and hope for a baby, trying desperately to conceive only to discover month after
month that all of your efforts have been in vain. Your womb is empty and you
don’t know why.
Your arms ache to hold a baby and your heart cries out for a
child to call your own.
If you’ve reached the end of your rope, and wonder if “mommy” is a word that will
ever be yelled through the rooms of your home (or only whispered by those who
fear to say it too loudly lest they risk upsetting you further), believe me when I say
that you can – and will – get pregnant! How do I know this? Because I’ve been
where you are and survived, I’ve managed to give birth to two healthy, beautiful
and smart children after beating the infertility odds.
In some ways my story is unique, and in others it is one of thousands. What
makes my story different is its outcome. After years of doing what the medical
community suggested, I think – no, I KNOW – that I’ve found the secrets to
helping other women (just like you and just like me), experience the miracle of
conception and joy of giving birth. But first, let me tell you a little about my own
journey toward motherhood …
2005-2013 Pregnancy Miracle- Lisa Olson-
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