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Not so convinced?
Try holding your breath for as long as you can. No matter how strong your
mental will is, it can never override the will of the body. This is good news—no
matter how hard you try to convince yourself that you are gong to die from a
panic attack, you won’t. Your body will override that fear and search for a state
of balance. There has never been a reported incident of someone dy ing from a
panic attack.
Remember this next time you have a panic attack. Your mind may make the
sensations continue longer than the body intended, but eventually everything
will return to a state of balance. In fact, balance (homeostasis) is what our body
continually strives for.
The interference for your body is nothing more than the sensations of doing
rigorous exercise. Our body is not alarmed by these symptoms. Why should it
be? It knows its own capability. It’s our thinking minds that panic, which
overreact and scream in sheer terror! We tend to fear the worst and exaggerate
our own sensations. A quickened heart beat becomes a heart attack. An
overactive mind seems like a close shave with schizophrenia. Is it our fault? Not
really—we are simply diagnosing from poor information.
Cardiovascular Effects
Activity in the sympathetic nervous system increases our heartbeat rate, speeds
up the blood flow throughout the body, ensures all areas are well supplied with
oxygen and that waste products are removed. This happens in order to prime
the body for action.
A fascinating feature of the “fight or flight” mechanism is that blood (which is
channelled from areas where it is currently not needed by a tightening of the
blood vessels) is brought to areas where it is urgently needed.