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it like an old friend who’s coming to visit. You are welcoming it closer because you want to get to know and observe it. It is not unusual to be feeling a little apprehensive at this point, as this new approach may feel unusual—inviting the anxiety closer. You are actually inviting and greeting the panic that normally upsets and terrifies you. – Be firm. Just watch as the feeling of fear rises and draws nearer. If you are a visual type, you might want to give the anxiety a mental image such as a troublesome child or ridiculous cartoon character. Let the fear wash over you. Feel each and every sensation in detail. We are not trying to get away from the panic attack this time—in fact, we are actually trying to fully embrace it. Keep with the sensations, and watching them like you would with an ocean wave as they fall and rise again throughout your body. The approximate timeframe of each individual panic attack is about twenty minutes. There will come a point where you can observe and experience to a point, and then it will overwhelm you, you will either want to fight it or retreat to safety. This is understandable as the sensations can often be very uncomfortable. However, this is the vital point in the process. It signals the moment to use the technique that has made all the difference in my life—the “One Move.” At this key moment, when you feel all is lost and you could not continue observing and experiencing the strong sensations, identify the source of your anxiety and demand for more. MORE? You’re thinking, “You must be kidding!”, “I could hardly stand this, let alone take an increased dosage.” 24