Get Muscle Maximizer Review eBook Book Free Download | Page 3
Being exact and not guessing is necessary if you are serious about achieving the
very difficult feat of packing on slabs of ripped muscle quickly without any fat.
This system will show you exactly what to be eating, how much, and when to give
your body the precise amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats needed to bulk
up the new way………..The right way……… The Somanabolic Way.
Also, your pre and post workout nutrition along with your water requirements are
completely customized to you.
Actually, you’ll notice NOT A SINGLE thing about the SMM is generic in any way!
Everything is customized to your body.
Gone are the days of trying to “bulk up” by crushing very high, random amounts
of calories and just accepting ugly fat gain!
It’s a shame, but this is exactly what a lot of so called “muscle building experts”
out there would have you do. The meal plans they provide can definitely put on
weight because of the high amount of calories you’re consuming and they hope
you’ll be happy just to see the scale move.
Muscle building experts always knew that in order for you to build muscle they
had to put your body in a caloric surplus (eat more calories than your body burns)
but until now there was never a way to figure out how to give your body exactly
what it needs to build muscle without fat.
This system will have you staying lean and turning heads all year
while packing on the most muscle possible without having to
experience all of the horrible things that can come with trying to “bulk
then cut”.
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