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In reality, if your ex does want to get back with you, playing hard to get (in moderation) is the best scenario because it will prevent you from getting hurt if your ex is not really serious about getting back with you. Although a breakup with a boyfriend or with a girlfriend can be really depressing, it does not need to mean that the relationship is over. Even if the breakup should suddenly leave you feeling confusion and loneliness, you may still feel really eager to heal the wounds and jump right back in to that relationship with your ex. If you learn how to react following a break up, and you become aware of how not to strain the relationship even further, then getting ex back will be easier than ever. It can seem hard to keep up a cheerful attitude throughout your day following a breakup, but it is believed by relationship experts that an optimistic and confident attitude can go a long way. Here are some of the ways that the right attitude will work wonders. Keep your confidence. Rather than going around feeling gloomy, try to find ways that you can keep yourself occupied and happy. Keep the depression out of your demeanor. Allow your ex boyfriend or girlfriend to know that you are strong and that you are more than capable of handling such an emotional situation, and also that you are capable of surviving on your own as well. 3