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How to Get Your Ex Back When It Seems They Have Moved On! Don't bother moping, because what you have lost does not mean you have lost it forever. Here are some quick and simple tips for learning how to get your ex back even if they have moved on to another mate and no longer appear to be interested in you. 1 - The first step to getting back the love of your life is finding a way to convince them that they still want you. Unless they really, really do not want anything to do with you, then there are a number of options that you can employ from this point on. 2 - One of the most advantageous things that you can do is simply be a friend. Be a really good friend to them, showing them that you understand them and that you can be around them without creating any drama. Show them that you can joke around and have a healthy friendship without strings attached. When the drama and stress of the breakup have subsided, your ex may realize that they want you again. 3 - When you communicate with your ex, be sweet and kind but don't be afraid to have a little bit of attitude. You are going to want them to want you, but you're also going to want to give your ex the feeling that they cannot have you just yet. While playing games is not the best way to go, you do want give an air of hard to get, making your ex more interested in the process. 4 – While you are playing a little bit hard to get, you also want to make sure that your ex knows you are available. You shouldn't completely rule out the concept of flirting and hanging out with friends because drumming up a little bit of competition never hurt anyone. At the same time, it is important that you play it on the conservative side. If your ex doesn't think you are available, they probably will not find the motivation to pursue you. 5 - Avoid acting desperate at all costs. If you act desperate, your ex will likely be put off by you. You are going to want to play things cool, letting them know that you are okay with everything that has happened, and that you are willing to move on. If you act desperate, things won't work out the way you are intending them to, so avoid doing this at all costs. 22