Get Lost London November 27, 2013 | Page 6

While visiting London, there's no way you'll steer around the subways. It's an essential part of the trip. Crowds fill the never ending subterreanean tunnels, turning to the sides to stare at the new advertisments stuck al along the walls. As soon as the doors of the cabin close, ypu can hear by the loud speakers: "mind the gap". You;ll fool around with it for some time, unforgettable. Subways make any destination a bit interesting, reminding you of action movies that take place in the alarmingly fast subways. Someday, you might even witness one, or be part of one... Just take in mind, if you do visit London, that those subways have been used by famous celibrities, most born in London or nearby. It is assured to give some interest in the trip, think of that instead of the loud speakers calling out the stations and how much time is left till the whole service shuts down.


"Mind the gap"

Subways in London made famous because of the "MIND THE GAP" you hear along with the closing doors