GET LOST in London Nov. 2013 | Página 5



This the summary of an interview to Sol Rodriduez Ballester who went to London, located in England, Europe. She spent a few days there in June 2013.

When she was there she noticed that the landscape was urban, tidy, really crowded and, also depending on what place of London you were it could be quiet or really noisy.

Also, for the few days she was there and the season, she experienced a peaceful weather, but usually it’s a foggy place.

When she arrived London she thought she was going to find only English people and English cultures but she was startled to find out that London is a cosmopolitan place, all kind of cultures could and can coexist, moreover politeness helpfulness are the rules there.

When she visited London she carried a short little list of English traditions she wanted to experience: she went to some of their typical pubs, she ate fish and chips, which is something typical there and she witnessed to the marvelous change of the guards in Buckingham Palace.

She also noticed that traffic there is really fluid; there were practically no jams there because public transportation is widely used and it’s really safe, besides London’s subway is perfect.

While she was roaming the London streets I realized that she was relaxed, I was safe. London is a safe place; of course, there can be some pick pockets but the chances of being robbed are really low.

she noticed that now there aren’t many job opportunities there because there are some labor and unemployment problems, but some time ago it was a great place, full of opportunities, I’m sure they will pass through it.