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fatty tissue. When a woman breastfeeds, the breasts expand to hold milk produced from the glands and contract when the milk is released during breastfeeding. This constant expanding and contracting can leading to sagging breasts after a woman finishes breastfeeding. Once breastfeeding is over, the glands may be empty but they will still add bulk and firmness to the breast. But when menopause arrives, the milk ducts basically “retire” because of a drop in the estrogen and progesterone levels. As a result, the breast shrinks and the inevitable sag begins. When a woman loses weight, she feels great. But the when weight is lost, the fat is lost. Since the breast is made mostly of fat, then the breast can start to sag because the outside skin and ligaments that held the breast are elastic and don't always shrink with the fat, especially if the weight lost was fast. Skin and ligaments do not shrink as fast as fat. So now we have saggy breasts and saggy skin. But the rest of the body look great! Sadly, younger women like teenagers and women who have never been pregnant can also have sagging breasts. Many young girls, especially those who develop breasts at a young age may not wear a bra right away. They find it embarrassing or they become self-conscious. Since there is no support at a young age, the breasts are prone to sag early as well. Another reason for a young girl to have sagging breasts could be if she plays sports without the proper support. Sports bras are designed to hold the breasts tighter to the body than a regular bra this giving more support. If a girl doesn't wear a sports bra while exercising or doing other physical activity, then her breasts will bounce up and down like the girls on the beach in slow motion. While men like this, the bouncing stretches the ligaments and skin in the breast possibly causing sagging. Genetics can cause breast sagging as well. Some women are born with the genetics to create less fatty and connective tissue in their breasts than others. Darn genetics! There is a basic ratio of fat to glands in the breast that can often determine how “perky” the breasts might be. For example, a woman with light fat content but heavier glands will be more likely to have sagging breasts than a woman with equal ratio of both. This can also work for those with a heavier fat content to lighter glands. The breast ages with the rest of the body. This is why you don't see old women with perky teenager-looking breasts saying that they're “natural”. Unless the breasts are small, and I mean 'A' cups small, then the breast is going to look a lot different at age 80 than at age 18. 7