Get Healthy Tips Volume 1 | Page 13

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Beckford who is known

for his principled

stance on many issues

believes Jamaica needs

to develop a culture of

health and wellness. He is

urging companies to take their

workers’ health into consideration. He maintains that they can build gyms on their properties and encourage workers to try and practice healthier lifestyles.

Beckford also believes that there is need for greater education, if Jamaicans are to lead healthier lives. He underscores that education is needed to make any country or industry thrive. As for now, he is extremely happy to be alive, and he hopes to keep it that way for as long as he can.

little you have made and keeping it. I am not in the fast lane anymore. It is not about good times, it is about how long you can live. Diabetes has shown me that you have to change to live longer.”

As someone who has been at death’s door because of diabetes, he has some serious advice for diabetics and other people with serious health problems.

“Adhere to the instruction of your doctor. Appreciate the change. It’s like losing a limb; you have to adjust to it quickly, “affirmed Beckford, who is very grateful for the fact that he does not need to be injected with Insulin, which he says would make things more complicated.

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