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When I say sift in the spreadsheet, skip the keywords which aren‟t specific to your
product (keyword tool will give some unrelated results). So in the above example, I
wouldn‟t dig deeper into the term “women talking” because someone searching for
that‟s probably not going to be interested in a guide about seducing women.
Now, when you dig deeper by typing in each keyword with 3,000+ searches from the
spreadsheet into the keyword tool, you‟re then going to go through each of the
keywords that the tool comes up with to hopefully find a winner (a keyword that fulfils
the criteria I gave you earlier on in the chapter).
The only step left at this stage should be to identify the level of competition. Which is
simple enough, just type the keywords from the keyword tool into Google and see
what comes up using the guidelines I gave you earlier. With practice, you‟ll be able
to get an overall picture of whether you can compete or not in less than a minute.
Save time by using your common sense...
Don‟t bother typing in the obvious keywords (like the ones with 40,000 searches a
month), look for the more obscure ones, ones that are still related to buying/a
problem, but competition won‟t be as high.
So, that‟s how I find my keywords. You may have your own way. Mine may seem like
a long winded process but it‟s really not. If you sit down for 30 minutes, an hour at
the most, and really blaze through these keywords looking for one that meets all the
strict criteria, you will usually find one if not several.
Obviously, there are some circumstances where you just won‟t find one no matter
how hard you look, and there‟s some where you‟ll find several in the space of ten
minutes – That‟s a situation where I‟d make multiple sniper sites within the same
Still a bit lost? No problem, this is an area that will make much more sense once you
watch video two.
So go ahead,
Watch Video Two Now...
And Watch Over My Shoulder as I Show you How to Look
For Keywords and Even Uncover Some in Real Time
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