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I remember when I used get traffic tickets for stupid careless reasons; No license, no insurance, no tags, speeding, super dark tint. I was literally stopped and pulled over by the police at least once a night and he would give me a ticket every night! Of course, I couldn't pay it. And I told the judge exactly what we all tell the judge when he starts slapping on court cost and ridiculous fines. “I do not have the money, Sir!” Did he care? No way! No Money = Jail Time!! It's so funny. We get upset at other people when we know it is our fault. I used to get mad at the officer, the judge, and the government. But it was ME the entire time, failing to take responsibility for my actions and failing to stand up and take ownership of all my mishaps and wrong doings. Are you getting my point here? It is time for you to take OWNERSHIP OF YOUR BODY AND YOUR LIFE!! I still repeat and have many of my VIP Superstars repeat this as well. Try it!! ALL I NEED IS WITHIN ME NOW!! ALL I NEED IS WITHIN ME NOW!! ALL I NEED IS WITHIN ME NOW!! ALL I NEED IS WITHIN ME NOW!! ALL I NEED IS WITHIN ME NOW!! ALL I NEED IS WITHIN ME NOW!! page| 22