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Why Some People Lose Weight and Most Don't Have you heard about the 3% versus the 97%? No? Well, let me explain. Have you ever noticed a person who always gets results, always gets the better part of the deal? There is a reason for this. There are two different types of people in the world;  The 3%'s (the few who get in shape with ease and are constantly complimented about their appearance and physique) and  The 97%'s (the vast majority of the population who struggle and jump from program to program searching for the new and improved secret solution). I hate to tell you this, but the secret solution does not exist! But I will tell you what does and what doesn’t work 100 percent of the time. Now, the simple strategy I am going to teach you below will help you be part of the 3%, The Fit and Sexy! Let's play a game and I want you to be honest with me. page| 16