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0BChapter 1 — Introduction 9
5 . Acne No More™ is not just about cosmetic improvement ; it is about your health and inner balance .
Clearing acne from the root can never be achieved as long as your body is in a state of imbalance . Acne is not a cosmetic problem , no matter what your doctor tells you . It is not about clearing the skin . It is about taking responsibility over your body and about restoring it back into a state of balance where no disease can exist , not only acne .
6 . Acne No More™ is not just a special nutrition program .
It merges nutrition with a comprehensive cleansing program and plans to rebuild your organs of elimination , dietary , mental and lifestyle , and offers plans aimed at regulating your hormonal activity and unique skin care protocols . In short , it is the perfect holistic acne solution .
7 . Acne No More™ does not confuse skin care with an acne cure .
Taking care of your acne externally and fixing the root cause of your acne are completely different things . Yes , skin care for acne – prone skin is obligatory if you have acne because you have to maintain a balanced pH level ( more on that later ), prevent infection , tighten the pores , remove blackheads and prevent the formation of a certain substance that encourages acne . The Acne No More™ System handles all these issues using unique daily skincare protocols . However , in order to permanently cure acne , you must neutralize the “ acne environment ” ( more on that later ). The Acne No More™ System ensures this acne environment will cease to exist in your body .
8 . Acne No More™ is not a temporary quick fix .
It offers a permanent solution and one that you can maintain as a lifestyle . The whole concept of curing acne by killing the acne bacteria is flawed . The whole concept of curing acne using various skin treatments is also flawed . When you say that you are going to clear your skin , the implication is that it is temporary and that at some point ( when your acne is cleared ) you will continue with your bad nutritional and destructive lifestyle habits . That line of thought gave birth to many gimmicks exploited by hungry marketers such as “ acne free in x days ,” “ x days to free skin or your money back .” The truth is that the only way you ’ ll ever get rid of your acne permanently is to adopt new habits and keep them . It may feel a bit uncomfortable in the beginning , but it
2003 - 201 2 A c ne N o M or e- M ik e W a l d en - Page 9