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1BChapter 2—The Truth About Acne 33 But that is not the real issue with Accutane, It also has some dark side effects that should not be ignored. Here is a partial list of the side effects: dry skin, dandruff, headaches, hair loss, liver damage, bleeding from the nose, decreased night vision, birth defects and even arthritis or complete loss of vision, The list goes on. My experience with Accutane was disastrous, to say the least. At the beginning my skin got extremely dry, and I suffered from additional acne breakouts (which is natural at the beginning). One of the blood tests I had taken as part of the Accutane treatment routine had shown a dramatic increase of lymphocytes and I had to stop the treatment. After 3 months I went on the vicious 22-week Accutane cycle again. This time Accutane did clear most of my acne. For 6 months I was almost clear, but then it came back, and this time it got even worse. Moreover, I started getting severe pain in my elbows and the knee area, and I still suffer from spontaneous pain attacks in those areas. A very close friend of mine, who is also an experienced naturopath, told me it was probably due to my use of Accutane. So my advice to you is that if you are taking Accutane, stop it right now. If you are considering taking Accutane, don’t do it. It is simply too dangerous. 3. Using Cloth Or Mechanical Tools Or Chemicals To Peel Off By Scrubbing The External Layer Of The Skin With The Help Of Salicylic Acid And Glycolic Acid Needless to say, this is another on-the-surface patchwork treatment typical of Western medicine. The surface may be clear at first and scar depth can be reduced, but the disease stays. 4. Oral Contraceptives Oral contraceptives—taking hormones to decrease the overproduction of male hormones, such as testosterone—can lower the production of acne at best. In extreme cases it can lead to a severe hormonal imbalance, which can 2003 - 201 2 A c ne N o M or e- M ik e W a l d en - Page 33