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1BChapter 2—The Truth About Acne
Natural Medicine vs. Conventional Medicine
(The Crucial Differences)
Conventional Medicine
While natural medicine perceives the human body as a complete holistic system
at one with nature, conventional medicine treats the body as separate physical
Conventional medicine has failed to acknowledge the truth that man, along
with all living creatures, will never be compatible with artificial chemicals, no
matter how identical these chemicals may look, feel and smell compared to
the natural varieties (e.g., an orange-flavored beverage vs. a freshly squeezed
Synthetic chemicals cannot be completely absorbed by the body. Because of
their artificial form, synthetic chemicals of any kind are incompatible with the
body. This is why these chemicals cannot enter your system without creating
some level of imbalance.
While holistic medicine’s intention is mainly to restore the body back to a state
of inner balance, to increase optimal genetic function and to help the body
cleanse and heal itself, conventional medicine focuses its efforts entirely on
"making the patient comfortable,” by calming the pain with drugs and
ointments, which in most cases function as patches to the symptoms of the
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