The Skin
1BChapter 2 — The Truth About Acne 25
Chapter 2 — The Truth About Acne
The Skin
The skin is the largest organ of our body and one of the seven channels of elimination containing about 70 % water , 25 % protein and 2 % lipids . It helps the main organs of elimination ( liver , kidneys , intestines ) get rid of waste buildup .
The uppermost layer of the skin is called the epidermis . The deeper layer is called the dermis , and this contains collagen and elastin which keep the skin flexible and firm . The dermis also contains sebaceous glands , sweat glands , lymph vessels , hair follicles and nerves .
Beneath the dermis lies a tissue of fat cells .
Infection can occur when the exfoliation process ( the renewal of cells when they shed to make room for new ones ) slows down and your skin pores get blocked .
When toxins ( usually stored in the deepest layer of fat cells ) find their way to a blocked skin surface , it can lead to acne .
Infection can also occur when one damages the acidic layer of the skin using harsh products or over-abrasive cleansing . This acidic layer of the skin , often referred to as the acid mantle , contains sweat and sebum ( oil ) and should have a normal pH of 4-5 . When you use harsh products like soaps ( with a pH of more than 4-5 ), this acid mantle is destroyed , making the skin more prone to infection .
However , infection alone is not the cause of acne . The skin , the reflection of our inner system and our health , becomes prone to acne because of a deeper combination of factors .
The truth is that the body has an amazing natural ability to cleanse and heal itself . Our task is to allow this to happen , but not through external and temporary methods that only mask the symptoms .
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