Georgian Bay Wedding Guide 2021 2021 | Page 16

Leave It To The Pros : For What It ’ s Worth

Kirsten Schollig ~ capturedbykirsten . co

You are engaged and have begun the process of planning your wedding day , so exciting ! How that day will ultimately look relies largely on who you hire to support you as you plan this incredible event . The first key professionals you look to invest in are your venue , your planner or coordinator and your photographer . This article is here to give you a better understanding why one of these three support systems is priced the way it is and where the true value of the pricing comes from .

Your photographer ( a . k . a . your hype person , honorary wedding party member , last minute hair fixer , dress bustler , ring runner , timeline keeper , perfect photoshoot location scouter and detail capturer ) is the person who spends the most time with you on your wedding day . Possibly , more than your soon to be spouse ! This is the vendor responsible for capturing the moments that mean the most to you without missing a beat , detail , or moment from which you will hold on to as a memory for a lifetime .
So , how do you put a budget together for a vendor that is such an integral part of YOUR day ?
To begin understanding how a photographer prices their services , it can be helpful to understand how they make your life easier and day more memorable . This is one key piece of the day that you can take with you ; consider it an investment . Not only will you be provided with images from your day to hold onto forever , but an experienced wedding photographer is also an excellent problem solver and will help you stay in the moment , even well before your celebrations take place . Your photographer will know what to look for in your plans to ensure you have a smooth and meaningful day with ample time for portraits with your wedding party , family , friends , and with each other . They capture every detail ; shots of your dress , heirloom jewelry passed down , and the intimate moments you did not even know they were capturing .
16 Georgian Bay Wedding Guide – 2021