Georgian Bay Wedding Guide 2021 2021 | Page 113

We were set up by our parents . They had been long time friends ; however , we had not seen each other since we were young kids . Our parents took it upon themselves to arrange a “ dinner ” when Kayla was home from school for Christmas and the rest is history . The worst part is having to admit that they were right !

Andrew proposed while we were outside at the cottage on the May long weekend , in the middle of a thunderstorm . It was not the perfect sunset Andrew was hoping for , but we both were so excited that it did not matter at all . Andrew has a hard time surprising Kayla with anything , but this certainly came as a surprise !
After planning what feels like a half dozen different versions of our day due to Covid-19 , we knew we wanted our ceremony to be on the water . For the reception , we had our first date at Azzurra and Tremont Café had just moved to their old location . Tremont has always been one of our favourite spots in town so choosing this spot was a no brainer . With only a couple of weeks of notice , the team at Tremont Café and our planner went above and beyond to create the perfect day for us . We had always said it was most important to us to enjoy good food and good drink with the people we love . While we could not have everyone we wanted there , we feel lucky to have gotten all those things in abundance .
When it came to the planning , our wedding really was a team effort . Andrew was a huge help with wedding planning , and he took the full lead later in the planning process when the original plans were no longer possible due to Covid-19 .
Everyone talks about how quickly your wedding day will go by and therefore our biggest goal going into the wedding day was to be as “ present ” as possible . We had so much fun the day of ; relaxing , getting ready , and taking photos . We felt so fortunate that the weather held for our outdoor ceremony and our faces hurt from smiling and laughing all evening . Our very favourite part of our wedding day was when we were sitting at dinner surrounded by our closest family and friends , marveling over the food , drink and how wonderful and perfect the whole day had been despite all the odds , and Andrew leaned over and grabbed my hand and said , “ how did we get so lucky ?” - and then we both shed some happy tears ! •
www . GeorgianBayWedding . com