Georgian Bay Wedding Guide 2021 2021 | Page 105

We were introduced through a dating app while in school but later found out that we had been on the same campus and lived in the same building the previous year only one floor apart . It was a wonder we had not met earlier ! After our amazing first date , we started seeing each other nearly every day and knew we had found something special .

We took a two-week vacation in November 2018 and spent a week together on a beach in the Dominican before coming back and travelling to Quebec City for a few days . We were walking on the boardwalk outside the Fairmont Chateau Frontenac and Tat gave his go-pro to some passersby as if he wanted them to take a picture . Then he got down on one knee in the freezing cold and snow and proposed !
The decision about our venue came easily . After University , Brittini spent time working at The Falls Inn . I had spent so many nights working other people ’ s weddings that I had a perfect vision of what mine might look like there . Meg and Cathy had become like family so I knew they would help make my vision a reality .
We wanted our wedding to be all about our close friends and family joining us in celebration . Because of our families being all over the globe , we had three weddings , and this was the grand finale to all our unions . We wanted to make sure that we could showcase our love as we see it and share that part of our relationship with the rest of the loves in our lives .
Before the wedding , we did not have much time to stop and think . Our third and final wedding , this one was finally about the two of us . We arranged to write our own vows and the ceremony was simple and personal and all about love , which was exactly as we had hoped . Everything went just as planned and was even more beautiful than we had imagined . We all had a fabulous time with friends and family and could not have asked for more .
For us both , easily the favourite part of the wedding was proclaiming our love in front of friends and family in our own words and promising to work together through whatever may come to us in our lives . •
www . GeorgianBayWedding . com