Georgia Family January 2023 | Page 13

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Here are approaches to note-taking based on the way information is processed . Match the right method of note-taking with your child ' s learning style , and they ’ ll not only better absorb the information , but also pass the course with flying colors . ( You ’ ll probably need to supplement your notes by reading additional material , reviewing other people ’ s notes , or chatting with the teacher .)

• Question - One of the most powerful ways to learn anything new is to question it critically . Your notes are no exception . Are you this kind of thinker ? Then spend your note-taking time writing questions and identifying information . If it feels comfortable to you , compose the majority of your notes in question format .
• Connect - Associative thinkers make connections between ideas that , to many , seem unrelated . If you think this way , connect the subject at hand to other lectures , assignments , or courses . Jot down quickly and briefly what is said , and then let your mind free-associate .
• Think conceptually - This style of note-taking focuses on broader concepts , ideas , and theories . For example , take very few notes on the literal details of the lecture , focusing instead on the ideas that are sparked by the information . This does mean , however , that you need to get the missing details from somewhere else — say , from reading the textbook .
• Think details - The polar opposite of conceptual thinkers , detail thinkers take notes on all examples and sub-points and fill in the broader stuff later . If it works for you , dive into the minutiae .
• Think application - Many students , including ADDers , learn by relating information to the real world . Sound like you ? Go for it . Throughout a lecture , ask yourself , “ How does this work ? How does it apply to the world and to my life ?”
• Think emotionally - Being passionately involved in the material is not only a powerful way to learn and remember things , but it is the very definition of being a student . When something in a lecture angers you , write down your reaction ; when something makes you happy , write down what was said . Focus on what makes the blood boil . It ’ s more fun that way .
• Think anecdotally - Our minds hold information by storing it in a vast network of associations and relationships . Why take that out of your notes ? If you find yourself recording seemingly irrelevant stories , don ’ t get stressed . Keep writing them down .
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