George Hams Funeral Booklet George Hams Funeral Booklet | Page 7

The Day Must Dawn
Marien Singleton & Heather Barker
The Day must dawn when I will have to leave you whom I have loved , and carried in my heart daily to the Father ’ s throne of grace .
Across that narrow way which in our ignorance we now call ‘ death ’ I will have passed on into life , safe in His loving hand .
For me , a new day will have dawned indeed ; the loved ones who have gone before will gather round ; life will begin again !
And yet , for you , the shadow of our parting I understand . Yet I make one request : Lift up your eyes and look to Him !
In Him , we are together still , though our weak eyes , dimmed by our own mortality , can hardly see the loveliness now hidden by our tears .
Know this , my daily prayer for you will never cease , when in His nearer fellowship I take my place , and then , as now , it will be heard in full .
For He is faithful , and in His faithfulness is all my hope , not only for myself , but now for you As I await the dawn of your new day .
And so , my loved ones , do not grieve as though this parting could bring the end of our relationship , but look , with me , to Him in whom we are together still .