Geopolitics Magazine special edition 2016 | Page 64

Radicalization of immigrants, is also another phenomenon that needs to be studied closely to be able to distinguish those basic reasons that lead Muslims to terrorism. Grievances, poverty maybe some of them, however there are many more to take under consideration which are mostly guided by religious doctrines of Islam. What is also needed, is to understand that internet has decentralized terrorist training camps. Any radicalized Muslim can acquire the skills and equipment he needs to kill a few or a dozen or even a hundred if he chooses to follow radical preaching and doctrines of certain imams. This lead to a most unpredictable form of terrorist, known as lone wolf. Lone wolf terrorism operates entirely off the existing Muslim population in a particular country. The bigger the Muslim population, the bigger the risk. Any Muslim or Muslims who have settled in a particular non-Muslim country can answer the call of Jihad at any given time without warning. As the Muslim settler population in the country increases, the number of cases will grow. No matter how much law enforcement expands the scope of its operations, it will not be able to keep up with the high natural birth rates of the Muslim settler population whose terrorists don’t need a fraction of the training or skills that trained law enforcement figures do. The more the Muslim population grows, the more terror attacks like Orlando, Boston and Nice will get past law enforcement. Not every Muslim will shoot up a nightclub or bomb a marathon, but we have no foolproof way of telling them apart. And even many Muslims who would not shoot up an office party in San Bernardino will still sympathize with the perpetrators. And even those Muslims who don’t will often continue supporting the Muslim lobby of organizations like CAIR that stymie law enforcement investigations of Islamic terrorism. So, what can be done? We need, first of all, to overcome the view that narrows down things to the sole way of thinking in how to deal with terrorism and immigration and ignore the obvious ties of immigration. States have to enforce compliance as a mandatory term for immigrants, that if they are to live within countries of the all rights reserved 2016 Page 63