Geopolitics Magazine special edition 2016 | Page 62

Written by Alexandros Niklan Sr . Security Consultant
immigration and Terrorism have ties
While UN and other institution try to make clear that immigration is not directly connected to terrorism , data present today that this is not the case . It is true that not all immigrants are potential terrorists , however it is also true that recent rise of terrorist attack in Western part of the world , were committed by immigrants or second generation descendants of immigrants .
According to recent survey for example in USA , foreign-born terrorists who entered the country , either as immigrants or tourists , were responsible for 88 percent ( or 3,024 ) of the 3,432 murders caused by terrorists on U . S . soil from 1975 through the end of 2015 . This latest paper presents the first terrorism risk analysis of the visa categories those foreign-born terrorists used to enter the United States .
As for Europe data show that from July 2015 to May 2016 , more than 1 million people applied for asylum in Europe . The immigrant share of the population increased most during this time in Sweden , Hungary , Austria and Norway , which each saw an increase of at least 1 percentage point . While that rise might seem small , even a 1-point increase in a single year is rare , especially in Western countries . This " spike " in Muslim population numbers , by default expand and enlarge the recruiting " pool " for possible potential terrorists . It is also a fact that in 2016 , numbers show that victims from terrorist attacks at Europe has reached about 3100 victims compared to 2300 in 2015 . A number that is only matching the rise of immigration flows in numbers going to West .
In Western Europe , specifically , the two trends of mass immigration and global terrorism intersect visibly and dangerously . For more than a decade the region has formed a haven for Middle Eastern " dissidents ," often a . k . a . mujahedeen , and for graduate students like Mohammed Atta . But these visitors or first generation immigrants are by no means the only source of concern . The murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh by a Dutch Muslim of Moroccan descent served notice for a new generation of mujahedeen born and bred in Europe and the object of focused al Qaeda post-9-11 and post-Iraq recruitment . Because these children of guest workers are European born , they are citizens entitled to passports .
The new mujahedeen are European born and bred and products of a little noticed convergence of migratory networks and terrorist cells . In addition , European Muslim recruits can form the al Qaeda cells most apt to plot a course in the United States . The second-generation terrorists speak European languages , handle computers , surf the internet , exchange e-mail , and are familiar with post-industrial infrastructures and customs .
In addition to previous mentioned characteristics someone should also notice that :
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