Geopolitics Magazine special edition 2016 | Page 53

Other scientists claim that even if there is no free will for all human actions or even if free will, there are only by convention these should not change the direction that would perceive and process the notion of liberal volition. At least not until we will see something that will do the same parables moral arguably regarding the scientific accuracy or more efficiently regarding sociopolitical and psychological function. For this analysis to hold we need to keep reminded that fundamental everyday notions like the arrow of time is just contractions of our imagination to recognize the facts and functions of the universe. Even though no one can no one can acknowledge That beyond any doubt that free will exists, some neuroscientists of person we use the ability of free will to explain they have explained Unexpected developments of life and destruction. Why and how, where severe brain damage Is occurred after accidents, brain strokes and causes of brain disease dementia. The observed results So some people even after serious brain trauma, are recovering and achieving a qualitative life while others with less harsh injuries died with several days. Neuroscience, Free Will and the Law On that point are important implications of neuroscience on the sound interpretation of personal responsibility, in the existence or nonexistence of free volition. We need to have in mind that the law is there for the realization of moral context, right and wrong initially described in the established religion believes and customs. Humans are social (political) beings and we pay significant attention to the notion of free volition. Free will is the foundation base over responsibility, personal responsibility, assessment liability, judgment responsibility. Responsibility it facilitates the organization of social bonds, social synergies, and cooperation. To start with to have Free Will we need to have the ownership and the importunity of our actions and to receive permission to take freely from a consortium of material options. Several judicial systems are discriminating among those offences that are result of intent (a.k.a free will) and those without intent. In several states within USA murder a First Degree is punishable by death, but there is a different approach when a homicide is the coming from a mental uncountable person or a person under the influence of the psychoactive substances or " while the psyche was in rush/boiled - raging mental momentum" (Justice 1951). Raging mental momentum is an extraordinary state of the mind under which the control of the conscious mind limits to the subconscious mind dictates an exceptional and graceful treatment in the court of law; On the one hand “unlawful killing that is both willful and premeditated “ is punishable by life incarceration on the other hand homicide in a momentum of mental range is punished by temporary incarceration 5-20 years (Iotropedia 2015). Figure 5 Free will: We have ownership of our actions, we are the agents of our actions, we have the permission to choose freely all rights reserved 2016 Page 52