The mind is coming into exists not before but just when a human is thinking ( during the process of formation notions and meanings and decide to act ). “ For this reason , it cannot reasonably be regarded as blended with the body : if so , it would acquire some quality , e . g . warmth or cold , or even have an organ like the sensitive faculty : as it is , it has none . It was a good idea to call the soul ' the place of forms ,' though
( 1 ) this description holds only of the intellective soul ( 2 ) even this is the forms only potentially , not actually . “ ( Aristotele 350 B . C . E , Ross 1955 )
From Aristoteles to Materialism – A mind in a Jar ?
While some of the Aristotelian views about mind and body relation still stands . René Descartes Defend the idea the body is a mixture of two separate entities , and one may exist without the other . Materialism is placing in disposition every idea or concept that humans could not reproduce in vitro . Leibniz believes in predefined Harmony and his thesis he supports there is no tricky interaction between the mind and the body and something like communication exists only in the context that mind and body are programmed at creation in such way “ that all their natural states and actions are carried out in mutual coordination .” ( IEP ) French materialism rejects ideas and the concept that humans cannot reproduce within a test tube ( in vitro ) should or Mind .
However , that may raise the question what will be a machine that is a replica of human spirit ’ s physiology , a synthetic mind or an Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) construction ? Will such artificial brain have all the properties and qualities of a human mind ? Homer in Odyssey in Rhapsody VII talks about the Phacelias the relatives of the Greek Gods had as their king ( first among equals ) a man called the Alkinoos ( Ἀλκίνοος -- > Αλκη του Νοος -- > supremacy of the mind ) and such people were the physicians that
The " Phaeacians have no pilots , no steering oar , like other boats , for their ships on their own can read men ’ s hearts and thoughts ." ( Homer Book Eight )
Faith and human brain
We the humans seems to enjoy life by having more than royalties we felt the need to believe everlasting existence religion provides humanity with the direction means to overcome the ultimate fear , the fear of death either by promising reincarnation and return to this earth or by explaining the afterlife as another state of the immortal soul . Religion seems to provide an answer to the Prince Hamlet question
- “ ‘ To be or not to be , that is the question .”( Shakespeare 1825 )
Figure 3 Figure 2 Corfu the Litany of Saint Spyridon in memorial of the “ miraculous ” intervention that Saved Corfu from the Plague ( L ' epidemia di peste del 1630 )
win significant battles in human history that otherwise would have had been lost .
And is that due to the power of faith to provide humanity with an anchor around which we may continue to strive even in the most desperate moments on time or death , or famine , or diseases , or war . The faith and trust to a higher value ( i . e . Freedom ) or to the supernatural that makes possible what the cold logic counts as impossible . It ' s the holy symbol in the sky that allows people to fight and
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