Geopolitics Magazine special edition 2016 | Page 49
Written by Theodore Pitikaris ΒΑΒ,ΒSc, MSc
Economic Analyst
Cand. Dr. Macroeconomic Strategy
NeuroEthics -NeuroScience
Defining moral context and explaining moral judgment are the issues that took substantial effort. In
our search for morality, we attempt to hold a universal rule in naming what is secure and what is evil
in alignment with our divine duty and evolutionary Human Nature. By studying the laws of the current
model code of conduct with the fortune to challenge those the unfair stands against is the law to
proceed against the promotion of the social stratification social cohesion social. In Sophocles '
Antigone decides to perform the funeral of his crony, but by practicing this, she is violating the state
laws that disallow it. The tyrant Creon chooses that punishment against the Polinikis of driving forces
against the city. Antigone in her defense Summons the Divine Law the universal right that responds to
the testament of all goods those that live in Olympus and the others of the afterlife.
And thou didst indeed dare to transgress that law?
Yes; for it was not Zeus that had published me that edict; not such are the laws set among men by the
justice who dwells with the gods below; nor deemed I that thy decrees were of such force, that a
mortal could override the unwritten and unfailing statutes of heaven. For their life is not of today or
yesterday, but from all time, and no man knows when they were first put forth.
Not through dread of any human pride could I answer to the gods for breaking these. Die I must, -I
knew that well (how should I not?)-even without thy edicts. But if I am to die before my time, I count
that a gain: for when any one lives, as I do, compassed about with evils, can such a one find aught but
gain in death?
So for me to meet this doom is trifling grief; but if I had suffered my mother's son to lie in death an
unburied corpse, that would have grieved me; for this, I am not grieved. Ad if my present deeds are
foolish in thy sight, it may be that a foolish judge arraigns my folly." (Sophocles 442 B.C.E)
The sophists in the mid-5th century B.C when Athens was at the apogee of his power, have put much
effort to interpret and promote moral judgment. Initially, their interest was concentrated on the
pedagogical development and introduction. In 5th century B.C, a group of philosophers the sophists
incest over promoting in search of developing the moral judgment have put the pedagogical process as
a core substance in the formula for conquering the political virtue. According to Protagoras what is
genuine and what is false relates to the human that defines its time what the nature of things is.
Even Though reality is relevant there are two standard elements of the political virtue the same and
the jurist. Both these instruments allow the harmonious growth of clubs and promoting of social
coexistence. Protagoras believed the humans I have another suggestion for political engagement the
individuals had either to admit the importance of shame and justice
In search of promoting the moral judgment have put the pedagogical process as a core substance in
the formula for conquering the political virtue. According to Protagoras what is genuine and what is
false relates to the human that defines its time what the nature of things is. Even Though reality is
relevant there are two standard elements of the political virtue the same and the jurist. Both these
instruments allow the harmonious growth of clubs and promoting of social coexistence. Protagoras all rights reserved 2016
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