Geopolitics Magazine May - June 2014 | Page 58 This was the initial reason, after all, why Britain had a foot on Egypt, until the early 20th century by putting a lot of effort in it. In addition to all of the above, we need to take under consideration that Egypt is also an oil-producing country making it a significant factor, in today’s world of "Energy Chess Game" This prologue is important for the reader to understand the significance of the latest news, presenting Egypt as a country in a constant reform, which convicted Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization and also in the process of making weapon deals with US and Russia. Today's regime although supporting that Egypt is a Muslim country, seems to take a turn towards Europe, West and Russia avoiding and rejecting at the same time, limitations presented by the radical Islamic movement of Shi’ites in the country. Country of Egypt by developing these circumstances (as they are forming) , will be considered as a significant power and factor at the area, especially by taking under consideration that it is the only country that has a peaceful relation with Israel, today (more than others at Middle East). Egypt is also under procedures of strengthening its army with signed deals of submarines/ships by Germany and France, helicopters by US and MIG planes by Russia. A country that soon will have a population of close to 85 million people in 2014, building a strong army and the ability to influence (a lot! ) oil routes , commerce and of course the expansion of Islam to North Africa or/and even further. Egypt is also closing deals with Turkey, China and Greece in order to strengthen its presence by forming treaties with closest nations at “surrounding” area (not just at Middle East). It won’t be long enough where Egypt will attract attention, again, by many "strong players" of the geopolitical game. Especially if Egypt’s regime will try to make a strong stand for country's interests against others who want something else. After all, Sunnis of Egypt have a long recorded history on claiming and fighting in a smart way for their national interest, despite uneven odds (Cairo riots against superpower Britain of 19th - 20th Century). So …Will a strong Egypt be able enough to influence things at Middle East? In short? Very much! A country with a strong control over water routes and a significant presence at the League of Nations, while being able to adjust oil prices of its’ own, is not something that should go without notice. Stratfor report in 2013 was referring to such a case of where Egypt could be leading the Islamic world once more and maybe change the North Africa Status quo. all rights reserved 2014 Page 56