Keele University offers a range of degree programmes in Geology, giving you
the flexibility to choose a route to a Geology degree that is perfect for you.
Our Single Honours Geology degree
course pathway leads to the qualification
‘BSc Geology’. This course combines
the rocks, minerals, fossils and fieldwork
of a traditional geology course with
additional applied elements such as
geophysics, geochemistry, geoforensics
and remote sensing.
Alternatively, with our Combined Honours
Geology degree programmes you can
study a second subject alongside geology
for three years. Successfully completing
our Combined Honours Geology course
will mean that you graduate with a degree
in ‘BSc Geology and’ your other subject.
Combined Honours students can also
choose to take only Geology modules
in their final year, and graduate with a
degree in Combined Honours Geology
(Major), ‘BSc Geology with’ your
other subject.
Should you have a career in Geology in
mind then you can extend your studies to
a fourth year to obtain an undergraduate
integrated master’s qualification, ‘MGeol’.
We also offer a research-based
postgraduate master’s course ‘MSc in
Geoscience Research’.
For students wanting a broad-based
degree with a geology component but
only limited fieldwork, we offer Earth
Sciences routes to the BSc and MSci
Natural Sciences degrees (please see the
Natural Sciences brochure).
As you can see, student choice and
flexibility of pathway are at the heart
of our courses. The first two years of
the Geology degrees cover the core
of the subjects, with the possibility
of doing a study abroad or work
placement year between your second
and third years. Beyond that, a range
of mainly vocationally based optional
modules allow you to tailor your degree
towards your individual interests and/or
career aspirations.
Our degrees are currently accredited by
the Geological Society of London. With
a new module structure starting in 2018,
the BSc Geology single honours degree,
and combined honours when taken with
another science (including Physical
Geography), and MGeol degrees were
submitted for reaccreditation in late 2018.
Welcome to Geology at Keele.
Dr Ian Stimpson
Course Director for Geology
Follow us on Twitter @KeeleGeology