Geography Undergraduate Programmes for 2020 Entry - Keele University 2020 Entry | Page 3
Keele University offers a range of degree programmes in Geography,
giving you the flexibility to choose a route through the subject that is
perfect for your particular interests. We offer Single Honours degree
routes in Geography, in Physical Geography and in Human Geography
for students who wish to focus their degree in one of those specific areas.
We also offer Combined Honours and Major/Minor degrees in Human
Geography and in Physical Geography so that you can combine one area
of the discipline with another subject if you wish.
Student choice and flexibility is at the
heart of our programmes. We want you
to be able to put together a degree route
through Geography that does exactly
what you want, so that you can get the
very best out of University. Transferrable
skills, personal satisfaction, career
prospects and an expertise in your
chosen areas of the subject: these are at
the heart of Geography at Keele.
Dr Peter Knight
Head of Geography Programmes
and Course Director for
Physical Geography
In combination with our flexible academic
programme the distinctive Keele
curriculum gives you a wide range of
options and opportunities to help you
stand out from the crowd when looking
for a job. You may choose to study
abroad for a semester or a whole year,
take a work placement module, serve
as a Student Ambassador or volunteer
on local community projects through the
Dr Richard Waller
Course Director for Geography
Students’ Union. And, of course, you
will have plenty of opportunities to make
friends and participate in a wide range
of sports and societies, including our
own GeoSociety.
Welcome to Keele, and welcome
to Geography.
Dr Alex Nobajas
Course Director for Human
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