GEO 155 OUTLET Career Path Begins/ GEO 155 OUTLET Career Path Begins/ | Page 5

How can language be used to maintain local culture and ethnic identity against an onslaught of popular culture? How effective do you think it could be? Why? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEO 155 Week 2 DQ 2 (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Choose one of the religions discussed in Ch.6 of the text and compare it with Christianity. How do the adherents of these faiths differ in their beliefs about economic and resource development? Do you think one will be more successful than the other due to these beliefs? Why? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEO 155 Week 3 Assignment European Union and United States Comparison Report (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT You are an American television news reporter working on a piece about the European Union (EU). Your editor wants you to describe the EU to American viewers providing a brief history and explaining its importance in the world, using the United States for comparison. In your piece, discuss the following areas: Is the EU a nation, a state, or some other entity? How do member states of the EU perceive themselves? How do citizens of member