Genius Network Magazine Genius Network Magazine | Page 12

12 TURNING 25K INTO 374K “A MIND THAT IS STRETCHED BY A NEW EXPERIENCE CAN NEVER GO BACK TO ITS OLD DIMENSIONS.” —OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, JR. events occurs to bring about the completion of your commitment. This level of commitment is rare—and it requires a great deal of investment to reach it. I knew all of this about investment. I had studied it psychologically for years. I had experienced it in my personal and professional life for nearly a decade. So it was a no-brainer for me to make the $25,000 investment to join Genius Network. However, what I experienced with that investment was far more profound, surprising and soul-expanding than I ever expected. THE POWER OF GENEROSITY “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”—Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. A core component of Genius Network philosophy is “giving.” To quote Joe Polish: Life gives to the giver and takes from the taker. Joe actually has an entire philosophy built around the idea of giving which he refers to as “being the first domino.” When you’re the first domino, you initiate connections, ideas, relationships, businesses and more. You provide value on the spot. You become the type of person that others always want to answer the phone for. To quote the famed Zig Ziglar, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” GENIUSNETWORK.COM The only way to succeed in an environment like Genius Network, where everyone in the group is already very successful, is to embrace and live the idea of giving. Joe Polish is the embodiment of this idea. I believe one of Joe’s greatest desires is to help as many people as he can. He is on a mission to improve entrepreneurs and to change the global conversation around addiction. And he will achieve both of these aims because he lives what he preaches. He’s a true giver and everyone in his circle of influence knows it—and as a result, they all will gladly help him with his noble goals. HOW THE GENIUS NETWORK CULTURE OF “GIVING” TURNED MY $25,000 INTO NEARLY $400,000 IN SIX MONTHS In September of 2017, I attended my first “25K Meeting” at Joe Polish’s office in Tempe, Arizona. At that meeting, I shared a 10-minute talk, detailing some of my strategies for quickly growing my email list. After my talk, I had several people ask how they could help me. One of those people was Draye Redfern, who asked how I was monetizing the more than 20,000 new subscribers I was getting each month. I shared the several ways I was monetizing my platform, but Draye pushed me. He wanted me to take full-advantage of my opportunity to serve people through my work. As Eliot Burdett has said, “Nothing happens until someone sells something.” Within a week of meeting Draye, I had created an online course that would be presented to new subscribers of my blog, immediately after they subscribe. I had known for months that I should create a passive income stream with my new subscribers, but it wasn’t until I joined Genius Network that I got the push to do it. With the help of Draye, I created that course and immediately started making over $10,000 per month, passively. That’s one of the brilliant outcomes of being a part of such a high level group: you will have the holes in your thinking and your business-model quickly detected. You’ll be challenged to upgrade yourself and your thinking. That’s why it’s so important to invest in yourself. That’s what separates the dreamers from the doers. Again, once you become invested, you become committed. Once you’re committed and in the right environment, change happens. It must happen, because we adapt to our environments. Hence the beauty of putting oneself into an environment like Genius Network—you’re forced to operate at a higher level. Put simply, the act of investing in oneself, in addition to a very high level environment, is what creates a “psychological upgrade,” wherein you shatter the limiting subconscious beliefs holding you back. As psychologist William James has said, “What is impressed on the subconscious mind is expressed.” In other words, what you believe at the subconscious