Genie May, 2013 | Page 14

SEO-ing while blog advertising

Even though we are living in a technology advanced society, lots of people still are not aware or understand what a blog is. Well, a blog is a webpage on which individuals or groups provide their readers with opinions, updates in their daily life, recipes and so much more. (

However fing the web on a daily basis if they are not aware of the fact your blog exists. In order for those millions of people to find and click on your blog, it is very important to have a good Search Engine Optimization. You may now wonder what Search Engine Optimization is; also called SEO. SEO is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” listings on search engines.

The minute you type a few words in to the Google Search bar for example, the optimization of the search engine of a website will assist you in finding those specified web pages.

Here is an example: In the event you are searching for blog regarding home & garden improvement, you need to ensure to type in words such as home & garden improvement, how to improve my home & garden as well as any other keywords that may be related with that particular subject.

Here is an example: In the event you are searching for blog regarding home & garden improvement, you need to ensure to type in words such as home & garden improvement, how to improve my home & garden as well as any other keywords that may be related with that particular subject.