2.This is one of the most common mistakes businesses make, “Train your employees”. You wouldn’t hand a man a gun, say you’re a soldier now and send him to war would you? HECK NO!!! Look at your business as an army (not saying treat your employees as soldiers) but look at the world as a war zone and train your employees for war. One of the most important things as a business owner is to provide classes for your employees, place them in real scenarios when you can make on the spot corrections.
Even if it requires you to go to some lengths as far as “Setting Them Up”, this could be a great exercise. Try this as an exercise: Get a friend or someone who can play the role of a “Cranky Client” and put your employees to the test. This will not only give them hands on training and allow on the spot correction, but it is great training, because you never know how a client will act once they walk through your doors. Staff members should be trained to be reasonable and sensitive to solve a client’s problem.
3.Off is important: “Have enough employees”. Here is our question to you, a centipede cannot move in a forward direction, unless all the legs are moving in the same direction right? Therefore, a business cannot move forward unless it has the proper amount of people running it right? We are not telling you to get up and hire a completely new staff or to add people to your staff, no. We are just simply saying don’t have so few people doing so much work, this spreads your business too thin. Overworked employees may mishandle clients; individuals’ handling different situations is the best way to do things. Not saying cross training isn’t important, but it is most effective if each employee has their own profession.