general-leadership-brochure-0522-v2 | Page 21


Strategic Plan and Vision

Our Mission
Keele University ’ s mission is to make a difference in society by providing innovative , high-quality education for students from all backgrounds and by undertaking world-leading research that transforms understanding and brings benefit to society , communities and individuals .
Our future
Our strategic plan is articulated through a clear sense of purpose and knowledge of what our performance needs to be to achieve this . Keele University has a strong sense of community . We recognise how our place in the UK partly defines us and what we do but that brings with it a determination to be global in outlook and international in action . Ultimately , our success comes from our people and the partnerships we forge , nurture and cherish .
Enabling strategies
To deliver this strategy , we will have a number of visions , strategies and action plans across the following themes :
• Education
• Research
• Student Experience
• People
• International
• Financial Sustainability
• Estates
• Digital
• Environmental Sustainability
• Health and Wellbeing
Find out more at keele . ac . uk / ourfuture