GeminiFocus October 2019 | Page 11

a “false positive.” Using this technique, the DSSI observations at Gemini North in 2012 helped confirm over a dozen planet candi- dates, including the five-planet system Ke- pler-67; DSSI would eventually provide more than 2,100 observations of Kepler planet candidate host stars. Based on the success of DSSI, and the need to validate and characterize the 4,000 exoplan- et candidates discovered to date by NASA’s Kepler/K2 Space Telescope and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), Howell initi- ated the design of two new speckle instru- ments: ‘Alopeke and Zorro, which our team went on to build at NASA Ames Research Center. The twin instruments each use two electron-multiplying CCDs and combinations of narrow-band (40- to 50-namometer-wide) filters to provide simultaneous two-color dif- fraction-limited photometric and astromet- ric information at optical wavelengths. Each instrument can also identify back- ground objects and companion stars — to within < 0.1 to 1.2 arcseconds of, and up to 10 magnitudes fainter than, the exoplanet’s host star — that can contaminate exoplanet transit detections. For any detected companion, speckle imaging provides the position and separation from the host star, as well as color and contrast infor- mation that greatly reduces the likelihood of false positives and improves the estimates of the exo- planet size. Zorro and ‘Alopeke: Specifics for Users ‘Alopeke and Zorro add great new capa- bilities, and having identical instruments on both Gemini telescopes allows collect- ing homogeneous datasets over the whole sky. The speckle mode provides diffraction- limited (0.016 arcsecond Full-Width at Half- October 2019 Maximum at 500 nm and 0.025" at 800 nm) resolution imaging at optical wavelengths over a narrow field of view (~6 arcseconds). The wide-field mode provides high-sensitiv- ity natural-seeing imaging with virtually no readout delay in the standard Sloan broad- band filters over a moderate field of view (~60 arcseconds). Both instruments are considered "perma- nent resident" visiting instruments, meaning they are available throughout the semesters for regular queue and Fast Turnaround proposals. This makes them great for programs that need simultaneous photom- etry in two filters, variability stud- ies, and rapid events like occul- tations, which also benefit from the flexibility of Gemini’s queue scheduling. Differential Speckle Imaging at Gemini Some Science Highlights Speckle image reconstruction of Pluto and Charon obtained in visible light at 692 nanometers (red) with the Gemini North 8-meter telescope using the Differential Speckle Survey Instrument (DSSI). Resolution of the image is about 20 milliarcseconds average. This is the first speckle reconstructed image for Pluto and Charon from which astronomers obtained not only the separation and position angle for Charon, but also the diameters of the two bodies. North is up, east is to the left, and the image section shown here is 1.39 arcseconds across. Credit: Gemini Observatory/NSF/NASA/ AURA Speckle imaging at Gemini Observatory is a forefront technology allowing researchers to push the limits of high-resolution imaging. The following science references provide GeminiFocus 9