Gemini’s Journey
Through the Universe Reaches
a Giant Milestone
Gemini’s senior optics
technician, Jeff Donahue,
demonstrates the use
of optics with a 3rd
grade class at Waiakea
Intermediate in Hilo.
Ten years ago Gemini North embarked on an ambitious local outreach program that grew from a
successful U.S. national science education initiative called “Journey Through the Universe.” Since
then, “Journey’s” presence on the Big Island of
Hawai‘i has blossomed into an annual event that
has far exceeded anyone’s wildest expectations.
Over the past decade, Gemini has brought Journey to more than 50,000 students in over 3,000
classrooms. This year’s event, celebrated from
March 7-14, added thousands more to that tally
with a record number of classroom visits.
Each year through Journey, dozens of local science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM) professionals from Gemini and beyond
immerse themselves in local Hawai‘i classrooms
in Gemini North’s Big Island community. Together they share the excitement of astronomical exploration with students, teachers, and the public.
To sample the excitement of this year’s event,
please enjoy the pictorial that follows and learn
more (including the final report of the 2014 program) at:
April 2014
GeminiFocus 25