GeminiFocus January 2019 | Page 21

by the adaptive optics system in LGS mode, a brief summary of the commissioning results is given in the table at right. LLP Call for Proposals AO mode Seeing (@ zenith) Elevation [deg] (seeing @ El) NIRI imaging in K’ FWHM (Moffat fit) NGS vs LGS comparison (on-axis) NGS 8.75 / on-axis 0.39” 78 (0.40”) 91 mas LGS 12.6 / on-axis 0.40” 57 (0.44”) 102 mas Faint TTGS and Elevation dependance (on-axis) LGS LGS Gemini Observatory is again accepting Large and Long Program (LLP) proposals in LGS 2019. LLPs are Principal Inves- LGS tigator-defined and -driven programs that, as a guideline, either require significantly more time than a partner typi- cally approves for a single program or extend over two to six semesters, or both. Large pro- grams are expected to promote collabora- tions across the partnership’s communities, have significant scientific impact, and pro- vide a homogeneous data set, potentially for more general use. The announcement of opportunity was re- leased on December 15, 2018, and informa- tion on proposal submission can be found within the Large and Long Program webpag- es. All interested teams are required to sub- mit a Letter of Intent no later than February 4, 2019, with full proposals due on April 1, 2019. In addition to the Gemini suite of instrumen- tation, Principal Investigators from LLP par- ticipating partners are invited to submit pro- posals for Subaru Intensive Programs via the Gemini-Subaru time exchange program. New Data Reduction Resources for 2019 The FLAMINGOS-2 data reduction cookbook provides Python scripts that wrap tasks in the Gemini IRAF package and serve as a guide to the reduction and calibration of im- aging and long-slit spectroscopy data. Visit the FLAMINGOS-2 data reduction webpage for more details. Comments, questions, or January 2019 NGS or TTGS V mag / separation 17.1 / on-axis 0.42” 67 (0.44”) 130 mas 17.1 / on-axis 0.45” 40 (0.59”) 180 mas Performance Comparison off-axis 16.4 / on-axis 0.48” 47 (0.58”) 125 mas 16.4 / 22” off-axis 0.51” 47 (0.62”) 136 mas notifications of errors are encouraged and can be submitted via email or helpdesk re- quest using the Gemini IRAF category. A new, hands-on four-hour tutorial on re- ducing Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) Integral Field Unit-1 data was pre- sented live at the Science and Evolution of Gemini Observatory 2018 meeting in July. The participants were shown how to obtain the data and calibrations and go from raw data to a stacked cube, all the while address- ing various possible data issues. An online version of the step-by-step tutorial is now available to everyone at this link. Software installation instructions are included. A document is now available describing data reduction solutions to some of the more se- rious issues that arose due to problems with the GMOS instrument or detectors. The doc- ument is based mostly on issues with the GMOS-South Hamamatsu data and for now only discusses imaging data. It will be ex- panded to cover spectroscopy in the future. Feedback is welcome (email here). A new version of the DRAGRACES pipeline fixes a previously problematic wavelength calibration. Please use version 1.2, or later, from now on. If you have ever used a pre- vious DRAGRACES version, please have a second look! Note that it is always recom- mended to compare your GRACES extracted GeminiFocus 19