GeminiFocus January 2018 | Page 28

Figure 1 .
Pie charts showing the ratings for the 2017B Phase I process ( top left ), 2017B Phase II process ( top right ), and 2017A observing semester ( bottom ).
Overall , the outcomes of this survey are diverse ; they also reveal three additional points :
1 . We lack clear descriptions of what PIs should expect from the Observatory , and vice versa , especially in the context of Queue observing . We are arranging new web pages that should help with these communication issues .
2 . PIs pointed out that some GMOS-S data observed in 2017A were difficult to reduce due to bias and cosmetic problems . The hardware issues that caused these problems are now resolved , and we continue to work with PIs on the complications introduced by these features in their data reduction process . Affected PIs , if they have not already done so , are encouraged to contact us .
3 . Many who took the survey thanked staff for their helpful support . We recommend that PIs continue to start with early communications with the Contact
Scientist of their program , and inform them of what is important for their project ’ s success .
Some PIs used the survey to send us specific complaints . This was very useful , since these few situations would have been missed otherwise . We , of course , recommend that PIs address their concerns to us as early as possible , but we appreciate any opportunity to discuss what happened and find more productive future strategies .
We look forward to hearing more from you through our future surveys , so we can better align our work with your research needs . Also , stay tuned , because the Science User Support Department will continue to address responses in future issues of GeminiFocus .
André-Nicolas Chené is an assistant astronomer in the Science User Support Group . He is located at Gemini North and can be contacted at : achene @ gemini . edu
26 GeminiFocus January 2018