GeminiFocus April 2016 | Page 21

Work on vibrations in GPI is part of a longterm program to characterize and reduce vibration effects on both Gemini telescopes. Over the next two years, we plan to install a common accelerometer system on both telescopes to permit continuous monitoring of vibration levels. Early Use of the Gemini Observatory Archive Early use of the new Cloud-based Gemini Observatory Archive has been healthy. Here are some initial statistics as of April 2, 2016. • We have 303 registered users, and the number is increasing all the time. • Since we went live, users have made a total of 45,000 archive searches and downloaded 550 GB in 117,000 files. We’re currently seeing about 1,750 archive searches and about 30 GB (compressed) downloads per week. • Currently, we have 3.3 million files in the archive, a total of 8.6 TB (compressed), and 29 TB ( uncompressed) FITS data. Finally, don’t forget that in order to access proprietary data from your program you will need to register your program ID with your archive user account. See this paragraph on the help page for further instructions. Australia’s Partnership in Gemini: A Retrospective December 31, 2015, marked the end of Australia’s time as a full member in the international Gemini Partnership. Stuart Ryder, Head of the