GeminiFocus 2019 Year in Review | Page 40

companion at separations of 10 to 100 AU. This is a factor of ten below the inferred oc- currence rate of giant planets around high- mass stars. Moreover, although the numbers are low, the distributions in both mass and semi-major axis are consistent with being flat for brown dwarfs, in contrast with the falling distributions for giant planets. In ad- dition, the detected brown dwarfs all orbit stars with masses below 1.5 M B , again unlike the giant planets. Based on these results, earlier suggestions that wide-separation giant planets and brown dwarfs may comprise a single under- lying population is unlikely to be correct. The divergent trends strongly indicate dis- parate formation mechanisms. Specifically, the study concludes that giant planets likely form “bottom up” through the process of core accretion while brown dwarfs form “top down” like stars via gravitational instabil- ity. More data are needed to confirm these trends; fortunately, there are another 231 stars from the rest of the GPIES survey await- ing final analysis and publication. Spatially Resolved Kinematics of 20 MASSIVE Ellipticals Every galaxy has its own story, and every gal- axy has been many others in the past (un- like in the human parallel, this is not purely metaphorical, as galaxies grow via hierarchi- cal assembly). Generally speaking, the most massive galaxies have led the most interest- ing lives. These often reside in dense envi- rons that have exposed them to frequent interactions with assorted neighbors, influ- encing in complex ways the coevolution of their component stars, gas, dark matter, and supermassive black holes. Although the detailed formation histories of most galaxies will remain forever uncertain, the key thematic elements may be surmised through a variety of methods. A particularly 38 GeminiFocus powerful probe of a galaxy’s dynamical struc- ture is integral field spectroscopy (IFS). Wide- field IFS studies provide insight into global dynamics and past interactions, while IFS data on the innermost regions can constrain the central supermassive black hole (SMBH) mass and the shapes of the stellar orbits in the vicinity of its sphere of influence. The MASSIVE Galaxy Survey is systemati- cally targeting all early-type galaxies in the northern hemisphere with stellar masses greater than 3 × 10 11 M B within a distance of about 100 megaparsecs for detailed ki- nematic and photometric analysis. The lat- est work in the MASSIVE series presents the first results from the high angular resolution portion of the survey, based on deep GMOS- North IFS observations of 20 galaxies. These are combined with wide-field IFS data from the Mitchell spectrograph at McDonald Ob- servatory to obtain detailed kinematic maps spanning more than two orders of magni- tude in galactocentric radius. The new study appears in the June issue of The Astrophysical Journal and is led by graduate student Irina Ene of the University of California, Berkeley. Figure 13 (next page) shows example maps of the first four moments (v, σ, h 3  , and h 4 ) of the stellar velocity distributions from the high-quality GMOS IFS data for two galax- ies in the survey. The maps cover the cen- tral 5 × 7 arcseconds. The figure also shows the one-dimensional distributions of these parameters combined with the wider field IFS measurements. Although both galaxies exhibit strong central rotation, they have strikingly different kinematic profiles. In fact, most of the galaxies in the MASSIVE sample show only slow rotation (unlike most previ- ous IFS studies of early-type galaxies, which were weighted towards lower luminosity). Interestingly, in galaxies that do rotate, the central rotation is often unaligned with the large-scale kinematics, indicating diverse merger histories. January 2020 / 2019 Year in Review