GeminiFocus 2019 Year in Review | Page 36

Figure 8. Panel A: Astrometric measurements the star S0-2 over its 16-year orbit of the supermas- sive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, compared with the best- fitting projected General Relativistic orbit model. The black hole is located at the origin of the coor- dinate system, and the dashed line shows the intersection of the orbital plane with the plane of the sky. The black points represent new observa- tions from 2017-2018, while the gray points are earlier measurements. Panel B: radial velocity measurements over the period 2000-2018 and the best-fitting model (col- ored curve). Open, gray, and black circles repre- sent previous, rederived, and new measurements, respectively. Panel C: residuals from the best- fitting velocity model. Figure adapted from Do et al., Science, 365: 664, 2019. 34 the peak in activity should coincide with the time of maximum orbital eccentricity, and the data confirm that this is indeed the case. Higher cadence observations are needed to test this hypothesis and rule out shorter pe- riod drivers of Loki Patera's variability. Three Maunakea Observatories Track Relativistic Star around a Black Hole If Einstein were alive today, he might be one of the few people tired of actually winning. Setting aside his long quarrel with quantum mechanics and all that business about a uni- fied field theory, his formulation of General Relativity (GR) has proven to be one of the most successful descriptions of nature ever proposed. From the deflection of starlight in 1919 to the detection of gravitational waves in 2015, Einstein’s General Relativity has tri- umphed over every observational test to date. Now a team of researchers led by An- drea Ghez at the University of California Los Angeles has tested GR in a new regime, the strong gravitational field near a supermassive black hole. The result: chalk up another one for the iconic physicist. Although simple conceptually, the test was incredibly exacting from a technical per- GeminiFocus spective. GR predicts that luminous objects in strong gravitational fields should exhibit relativistic redshifts. This means that a star moving towards us in the vicinity of a black hole should appear to have a smaller blue- shift, and one moving away from us should have a larger redshift, than would be the case if the law of Newtonian gravity pre- vailed. In the most stringent test of this pre- diction to date, the team analyzed over two decades of astrometric and spectroscopic data, obtained using adaptive optics, on a star known as S0-2 as it followed its eccen- tric 16-year orbit around Sagittarius A* (Sag A*), the supermassive black hole at the cen- ter of our Galaxy. Figure 8 shows the full set of positional and velocity data. The star reached its closest approach to Sag A* in May 2018, when it was at a distance of only 120 AU and moving at 2.7% of the speed of light. During the critical months surround- ing pericenter passage, the team used three different spectroscopic instruments at three different observatories, including the Near- infrared Integral Field Spectrometer (NIFS) on Gemini North, the OH-Suppressing Infra- Red Imaging Spectrograph (OSIRIS) on the Keck II telescope, and the Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (IRCS) on the Subaru tele- scope. "The velocity of the star was chang- ing quickly every night! So having all three observatories participate was es- sential," said Tuan Do (also of UCLA), the lead author of the study. Combin- ing data from mul- tiple instruments also allowed the team to carefully check for instru- mental biases. January 2020 / 2019 Year in Review